Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Alright, so bugger this.

So I wrote this blog entry for class, right?

And I wrote it twice. Because I'm that persistent. And because tonight, for some damned reason, Firefox and blogger - two perfectly wonderful pieces of software brilliance - just won't work.

Anywho, my e-zines (yeah, this was clever. Twice. But not now. Not now, M$ - you have sapped my creative energy. Twice. How could you.) are the following:
Torrentfreak, and ironically enough, the Wired e-zine article about things that suck. I should email them this blog. See if they accept it. Bet they wouldn't. I mean, really, who wants to read another blog ranting about a company that everybody loves to rant about anyway? See?
More things that suck.

Anyway, back to the whole buggery of the class thing - Wired=more professional. It's pretty, it's clever, it's smart, it's funny, it's damned sexy. Wired Magazine is in every geek's harem of "other computers". That's right, we don't have significant others, we have computers. And even if we do have significant others, we have computers anyway.
Torrentfreak, on the other hand? Along with Ars Technica, Techdirt, and p2pNet, it's relevant. It's immediate, it's entertaining, it's reliable, and I check it at least twice daily.

In the end, I must admit that while Wired may be seriously cool, slick, and full of awesome features, I trust torrentfreak more. It's not on a corporate leash, it doesn't make loads of money, and what little money it does make, it puts towards good causes.

Now then. I'm tired, I'm cranky, I wanna get on watching Hitman.

Stay tuned.

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