Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Needs Moar Research!

As we all know, the interwebs are full of LIES (or was that lulz?).

In any case, I'm using them for my research. The hypothesis?
"I am for the following statement: Blogging has significantly impacted the print journalism industry."

Financially affected? Perhaps not. Actually made a dent in sales? Probably not. Changed, though? Certainly.

Blogs can indeed be used as an up to date, reliable resource for specialized information (just take a look at the guys over at Ars Technica or Technorati if you don't believe me), and as far as attracting widespread audiences and influencing journalism go...Look no further.

As for why I'm taking this position? Simple, really - I think that as technology improves, humanity ought to take advantage of it. What's the point of creating neat new things that make life better if we don't use them? Why invent the wheel if we're just gonna sit in our caves and grunt?

Suspicion, paranoia, and maximum lulz: the future of global communication.

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